IDIN members organize event in Colombia!

TaDIC is organized by Colombian IDIN members and it means Community Innovation and Design Workshop, in Spanish Taller de Diseño e Innovación Comunitaria. It is a space for co-creation from the recognition of experiences, knowledge, skills and dreams to re-build a better world, based on empathy, diversity and creativity. It will be developed within different teams in order to design low-cost technologies, services, experiences or networks that can solve the problems or enhance opportunities of the communities with which they will work in Colombia.
It is a horizontal space of co-construction between participants of the communities, national and international participants. The workshop is based on community work and learning by doing, based on collaborative methodology and participatory design.
This year the TaDIC will be held in San Andrés de Tumaco, and it is being organized by the National University of Colombia (UNAL) - Tumaco Headquarters, the Pacific Studies Institute and the Bogota Science Faculty.
Check their website to learn more about it.