IDDS Aarogyam Participants
Monday, April 27, 2015

Congratulations to all the participants who have been selected to participate in IDDS Aarogyam in July! Below are some fun facts about the people who will be participating in IDDS Aarogyam.
A very special thank you goes out to all the reviewers who ensured each applicant was considered at a personal level.
To those who were not accepted, we hope you consider applying again next year! There were 194 eligible applications and dozens of others. The decisions were difficult and we wish there was space for everyone.
For this year, the IDDS family is happy to welcome:
Name | Country |
Abhinav Dey | India |
Aggrey Gisiora Mokaya | Kenya |
Ahmed Talaat Ezzat | Egypt |
Amna Batool | Pakistan |
Andrey Shostak | USA |
Arielle Clynes | USA |
Arun Joshua Cherian | India |
Bastian Walthierer | Germany |
Caroline Suzanne Storm | USA |
Chris Natt | United Kingdom |
Christonsia John Mushi | Tanzania |
Colleen Lyon | USA |
Damaris Rodriguez Franco | Finland |
Fatimah Ahmed Mohamed Anwar Helmy | Egypt |
Gandhali Mane | India |
Himanshu Mishra | India |
Ibrahim Yekinni | Nigeria |
Kartik Mehta | India |
Laura Lighty | USA |
Maria Gabriella Manchini | Brazil |
María José Castrillo Sequeira | Costa Rica |
Maria Luisa Krüger | Germany |
Maya Isla McBeath | Germany |
Ndinayo Nazaliyo | Uganda |
Nicholas Fleischer Reid | USA |
Nicole Jennifer Van Seters | Canada |
Puneet Kumar Gupta | India |
Randimbivololona Andrianjaka | Madagascar |
Rashna Behram Engineer | India |
Rebekah Lorraine Scheuerle | USA |
Richard Kofi Begyinah | Ghana |
RohiniI Rau | India |
Sahar Ahmed Abdelhakim Aboukhashim | Egypt |
Shivi Kapil | India |
Tachmajal Marie Corrales Sanchez | Costa Rica |
Tankou Conrad Sokoundjou | Cameroon |
Tran Hoang Long | Vietnam |
Vinayak P Nandalike | India |
Yu-Po Chang | Taiwan |