Dkar Innovation Center Opens in Botswana

This week, the Dkar Innovation Center officially opened its doors to the public in Botswana. Known locally as Tcee Nquu, or the "House of Creativity and Innovation," the innovation center is comprised of two parts: a workshop, and an information communications technology (ICT) space. In the workshop, members will have access to power tools, hand tools, and prototyping materials. In the space, computers, printers, and wireless internet will be available.
The innovation center is opening at a critical time in Botswana's history, as the country celebrates its 50th anniversary of independence, and also as the second-ever International Development Design Summit is held in the local Dkar community. The center's work is funded by IDIN, These Hands, the Kuru Development Trust, the University of Botswana, and the Botswana Innovation Hub.