At IDIN, we’re all about learning, especially when it’s hands-on. Here we’ve compiled some of our favorite resources, many of which are used at our trainings and summits around the world.
Resource Library
IDIN Summer Research Fellows Report- Indonesia and Malaysia
- Research
This report summarizes the work of IDIN Summer Research Fellow Kelly Heber Dunning, who traveled to Malaysia and Indonesia during Summer 2015 to study community-based approaches to managing coastal natural resources such as coral reefs and mangroves. This research, which forms part of Kelly's doctoral dissertation, finds that community-based resource management arrangements afford greater opportunities for innovation in natural resource management and sustainable livilihood development compared to top-down management arrangements.
IDIN Program Impact Report 2012-2016
- IDIN Communications
IDIN's program impact report demonstrates what the program and its partners have achieved together from 2012-2016.
IDIN Program Impact Report 2012-2016
- IDIN Communications
IDIN's program impact report demonstrates what the program and its partners have achieved together from 2012-2016.
A Guide to IDIN Network Opportunities
- IDIN Communications
This is a comprehensive guide to resources and opportunities available to IDIN Network members, including access to funding, workshop space, educational opportunities, technical support, and global communications tools.
Apply to Host a Summit in 2016!
- IDIN Communications
These are the full instructions to apply to host an International Development Design Summit in 2016.
If you have any questions about the process, please send them to the IDIN Tender Committee ( by January 23. We will answer all questions together at once by January 30. If you want to hear about people’s past experience organizing a summit, feel free to contact our IDIN Summits Advisory Committee ( or send an email to the listserv of all past IDDS organizers at
Using the IDIN Brand: A Resource for Partners and Network Members
- IDIN Communications
The IDIN logo is a visible and recognizable symbol of the International Development Innovation Network (IDIN) brand. By consistently applying the logo on all program communications from 2013-2017, we have built public awareness and promoted the program’s work.
The following guidelines govern the use of the IDIN logo and corresponding brand after most official program activities close on September 30, 2017. Please review this guide if you use the IDIN logo or name on any digital or print materials, and adjust your materials accordingly.
Tu Guía de Oportunidades de la Red de IDIN
- IDIN Communications
Esta es una guía completa de recursos y oportunidades disponibles para los miembros IDIN red, incluido el acceso a la financiación, el espacio de taller, las oportunidades de educación, apoyo técnico y herramientas de comunicaciones globales.
IDIN Results Framework
- IDIN Communications
The IDIN Results Framework illustrates the goals of the IDIN program. It organizes IDIN's activities into three main objectives: (1) to co-create effective solutions, (2) to build local capacity for innovation and design, and (3) to generate knowledge and spread the approach.
IDIN Partner Updates — June 2016
- IDIN Communications
This resource is the June 2016 edition of the IDIN Partner Updates. The Partner Updates are a monthly round-up of the many diverse events, trainings, and stories from IDIN partners around the globe.
IDIN Program Overview
- IDIN Communications
This document is an overview of the International Development Innovation Network, its work, and partners.