Resource Library

At IDIN, we’re all about learning, especially when it’s hands-on. Here we’ve compiled some of our favorite resources, many of which are used at our trainings and summits around the world.

Underwater Dam-Free Hydrokinetic Turbine

  • Student Papers

This report details efforts to maximize the efficiency of a dam-free turbine system built by an IDIN Network member to guarantee full power generating capacity for local fisherman in Zambia.

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Essential Oil Distillation for Boa Vista do Acará

  • Student Papers

Boa Vista do Acará is a small agricultural community in Northern Brazil that consistently faces financial instability. This interferes with their access to basic social services such as healthcare and education. Currently, Boa Vista harvests 50 tons of herbs per year, however, rather than distilling essential oil themselves, they sell their herbs as wholesale raw material to the Natura company. If Natura were to ever pull out of their contract, Boa Vista would be in a financial crisis. Therefore the ability to distill essential oils independently would allow Boa Vista Do Acará residents to stabilize their income source. Currently, our team is partnering with with the Association of Organic Farmers of Boa Vista do Acará (APOBV) to build an oil distillation device specifically to suit the needs of this community. 

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Design, Construction, and Testing of a Biocharring Unit

  • Student Papers

This paper explores the design, construction, and testing of a biocharring unit. Biochar is obtained by heating biomass under oxygen-deficient conditions, and has potential as a nutrient recycler, soil conditioner, income generator, and waste management system.

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Design, Construction, and Testing of a Briquetting Machine

  • Student Papers

This paper explores the design, construction, and testing of a briquetting machine produced for rural communities in Ghana. In Ghana, biomass is the most dominant source of energy and is used significantly for cooking and other heat applications. 

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Forage Chopper for Silage Production

  • Student Papers

This report explores the design and development of a forage chopper for silage production in Nicaragua by students at UC Davis. In Nicaragua, silage is used as an alternative food resource for cattle during the dry seasons.       

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Performance Evaluation of a Cassava Peeler

  • Student Papers

This dissertation by KNUST student Priscilla Mensah evaluates the performance of a cassava peeler developed in a Creative Capacity Building training in Adansi, Ghana. The peeler was evaluated on throughput capacity, efficiency, and safety compared to the traditional method.

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Standardization of the Grating Surface of Cassava Graters

  • Student Papers

This paper explores an effort to standardize the design of a cassava grating surface to improve efficiency and ensure interchangeability. The author surveyed cassava grating surfaces on the Ghanaian market to understand current technical specifications and then create a new, improved grating surfaces using locally available materials. 

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Bee Pollen Dehydrator

  • Student Papers

In Colombia, bee pollen farmers collect 30-40 kg of bee pollen per week, but endeavor to improve storage and preservation methods. This report explores the design and development of a bee pollen dryer in Colombia by a student at UC Davis. 

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Performance Evaluation of a Cocoa Pod Splitter

  • Student Papers

This dissertation by KNUST student Daniel Owusu evaluates the performance of a steel cocoa pod splitter originaly developed in a Creative Capacity Building training at Fomena in Ghana. It was evaluated on the parameters of splitting rate, percentage of beans damaged, and the force required to break one pod compared to the traditional method of using cutlass.

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Design, Construction, and Testing of a Mango Juice Extractor

  • Student Papers

This paper details the design, construction, and testing of a mango juice extractor built to minimize post-harvest food loss in mango crops in Ghana and other mango-producing countries. 

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